OpenResty Edge

Manage your distributed traffic in
the multi-cloud and microservices era

Manage your distributed traffic in the multi-cloud and microservices era

OpenResty Edge™ supercharges your
 existing load balancer serversCDN network serversAPI gateway servers


OpenResty is the only product available in the industry where you can seamlessly deploy Lua scripts and WAF rules across the cluster. It has high concurrency, excellent performance under high loads, and a very intuitive UI for easy deployment.
— Sandeep Sehgal | Principal Architect

Why OpenResty Edge

OpenResty Edge keeps our customers' high-traffic sites live 24/7 and reduces over 90% of their development and maintenance costs!

Our Tutorials

See how OpenResty Edge works

How to Use Gateway Staging Servers in OpenResty Edge

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Configuring Webhooks in OpenResty Edge

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Configure Custom Error Pages in OpenResty Edge

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Configure DNS Records in OpenResty Edge

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Adding Custom Response Headers in OpenResty Edge

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How to Use OpenResty Edge's Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB) Feature

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User Management and Access Control in OpenResty Edge’s Web Console

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EdgeLang: A Powerful and Efficient Language for Gateway Logic

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Using request IDs to troubleshoot problematic requests in OpenResty Edge gateways

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Configuring hCaptcha’s captcha webpages in OpenResty Edge

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Configuring SNI proxies in OpenResty Edge

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Pushing static resources to OpenResty Edge gateways

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Configuring the built-in captcha webpages in OpenResty Edge

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Configuring gateway access log files in OpenResty Edge

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Load-balancing TCP applications via OpenResty Edge

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Configuring error log files in OpenResty Edge

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Configuring sticky cookies in OpenResty Edge gateways

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How to use standard dynamic metrics in OpenResty Edge

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Managing traffic to Kubernetes (K8s) upstreams in OpenResty Edge

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Configure distributed gRPC proxy in OpenResty Edge

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High-Performance Web Application Firewall (WAF) in OpenResty Edge

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The EdgeLang DSL in OpenResty Edge

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Version control and multi-role network

  • Withstands large changes
  • Automatically saves systems
  • Allows rollbacks to previous versions
  • Requires change confirmation to avoid accidental modifications


CDN, WAF and SSL certificate

  • Instantly blocks malicious requests
  • Configures rules, requests, and whitelists dynamically
  • Real-time hit log reporting
  • Custom…
    • Dispatching
    • Request and SSL handshake rate limiting
    • SSL certificate management rules
  • SSL certificate management
  • Supports most domains and web servers including wildcards
  • Zero impact on performance


Distributed load balancer and proxy

  • Dynamic web traffic caching and load balancing
  • On-the-fly reconfiguration of origin server pools
  • Dynamic reverse proxying for TLS and TCP applications
  • HTTP/HTTPS reverse proxy and dynamic load balancing strategies


Tiered caching and real time cache purge

  • Gateway-cluster level distributed web caching
  • Custom key and rule configurations
  • Reduces latency and server load
  • Immediate purging operations across network
  • Custom conditions
  • Supports DNS, HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, SNI Proxy, Socks5 Proxy


Real-time in-memory metrics

  • Real-time
    • Network-wide response status code and error log statistics
    • Proactive node health-checks with automated DNS configurations
  • Dynamic metric creation and management using SQL


Distributed node management

  • Automatic code optimization in a single network
  • Config sync cross custom partitions
  • A/B test releases
  • Distributed virtual host configs across production gateways


Partitioned network and multi-tier network

  • Defines multiple partitions
  • Easily scales up/down gateway nodes
  • Just-in-time compiler maximizing performance
  • Proactive nodes health-checks
  • Supports global-scale networks
  • Real-time monitor config synchronization
  • Dynamic config and custom rules
  • Customized network policy
  • Releases
  • Overview
  • DNS
  • SSL
  • User Variables
  • Page Rules
  • Upstreams
  • Cache Purge
  • Error Logs
  • WAF ConfigPro
  • WAF LogsPro
  • Dynamic MetricsENT
  • Metrics
  • TestsPro
  • HTTP Basic Auth Credentials
  • IP Lists
  • Gateway Servers Monitor
  • Global Error Logs
  • Admin Site Error Logs
  • Log Server Error Logs
  • User Sessions
  • Alarms
  • Certificates About to Expire
  • Global Dynamic MetricsENT


Discover our features


Discover our features

Version control and multi-role network

  • Withstands large changes

  • Automatically saves systems

  • Allows rollbacks to previous versions

  • Requires change confirmation to avoid accidental modifications

CDN, WAF and SSL certificate

  • Instantly blocks malicious requests

  • Configures rules, requests, and whitelists dynamically

  • Real-time hit log reporting

  • Custom…

    • Dispatching

    • Request and SSL handshake rate limiting

    • SSL certificate management rules

  • SSL certificate management

  • Supports most domains and web servers including wildcards

  • Zero impact on performance

Distributed load balancer and proxy

  • Dynamic web traffic caching and load balancing

  • On-the-fly reconfiguration of origin server pools

  • Dynamic reverse proxying for TLS and TCP applications

  • HTTP/HTTPS reverse proxy and dynamic load balancing strategies

Tiered caching and real time cache purge

  • Gateway-cluster level distributed web caching

  • Custom key and rule configurations

  • Reduces latency and server load

  • Immediate purging operations across network

  • Custom conditions

  • Supports DNS, HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, SNI Proxy, Socks5 Proxy

Real-time in-memory metrics

  • Real-time

    • Network-wide response status code and error log statistics

    • Proactive node health-checks with automated DNS configurations

  • Dynamic metric creation and management using SQL

Distributed node management

  • Automatic code optimization in a single network

  • Config sync cross custom partitions

  • A/B test releases

  • Distributed virtual host configs across production gateways

Partitioned network and multi-tier network

  • Defines multiple partitions

  • Easily scales up/down gateway nodes

  • Just-in-time compiler maximizing performance

  • Proactive nodes health-checks

  • Supports global-scale networks

  • Real-time monitor config synchronization

  • Dynamic config and custom rules

  • Customized network policy


Competitive Benchmarking

We used to struggle during extreme web traffic as one of Asia’s highest traffic media sites. OpenResty helps us stay engaged with our audience even with thousands of cache purges per minute and over 20 million requests per hour.
Technical Director at a Large Media Website

Case Study

See how our customers benefit from OpenResty Edge

  • Leading HR SaaS Company
  • Major Travel Booking Website
  • Major News Website
  • Solution cost reduced by 80%, continuous improvement in performance, regular upgrade for security vulnerabilities, automatic scale clusters and reschedule traffic.

    Pain Points

    High cost, evolving API management needs, low concurrency, slow response time, limited scalability and extensibility, data security


    Migrate to OpenResty from F5, purchase Edge 50 nodes and plan to expand to 200-500 nodes. Build API services, HTTP / TCP / UDP multi-protocol support, extend managed SSL certificates, combined real-time load metrics

  • O&M labor was reduced from 7 to 1, speed up response time by 100+ ms on average, protected from 1,000+ daily attacks.

    Pain Points

    Massive user base, slow website that could't handle peak traffic, outdated server solutions that couldn’t support growing development and business needs


    Migrate from Nginx and purchase 100 OpenResty Edge nodes. Network partitioning and virtualization, self-built CDN network, request rewrites, rate limiting, HTTP/TCP/UDP protocols

  • Supports thousands of cache purges per minute, and over 20 million website visit requests per hour.

    Pain Points

    Third-party CDNs couldn't respond to fast cache purges with arbitrarily complex conditions, and cost far exceeded budget


    Purchase Edge 50 nodes and develop private CDN with multi-domain SSL self-service

Case Study

See how our customers benefit from OpenResty Edge

Case Study

See how our customers benefit from OpenResty Edge


At Ajaib, running OpenResty in production has exceeded all our expectations. Major props to their team for the close support and critical advice given to us throughout the rollout process (both pre and post). We couldn't have chosen a better partner, very proud to be OpenResty's first Indonesian customer!
Winston Lays | Co-founder and CTO


Manage your distributed traffic in
the multi-cloud and microservices era

Manage your distributed traffic in the multi-cloud and microservices era

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