OpenResty XRay

Smart Vital Scanner for Cloud Applications

OpenResty XRay™ offers
noninvasive advanced observabilityreal-time troubleshootingdeep online monitoring and performance profiling
OpenResty XRay helps us improve our productivity significantly with its troubleshooting and optimizing functionalities. We were able to troubleshoot mysterious software issues in production instantly.
— Jun Xiao | Site Manager

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Why OpenResty XRay

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Our Tutorials

See how OpenResty XRay works

How CPU Time is Spent inside Go’s CockroachDB (using OpenResty XRay)

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Performance Overhead of OpenResty XRay when Tracing Perl Apps

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Locate Large Memory Objects inside Perl Processes (using OpenResty XRay)

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Performance Overhead of OpenResty XRay when Tracing Go Apps

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Install OpenResty XRay’s Agents on Ubuntu via Deb Packages

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Performance Impact of OpenResty XRay when Tracing PHP Apps (using OpenResty XRay)

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Performance Impact of OpenResty XRay when Tracing Python Apps (using OpenResty XRay)

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Performance Impact of OpenResty XRay when Tracing Rust Apps (using OpenResty XRay)

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Dynamic-Tracing Custom Go Programs with Custom Ylang (using OpenResty XRay)

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How Python Django's Application Uses Memory Internally (Using OpenResty XRay)

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Install OpenResty XRay’s Agents on CentOS via RPM Packages

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Find the largest Python objects or values taking the most RAM (using OpenResty XRay)

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How CPU time is spent inside Rust’s Sled library (using OpenResty XRay)

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How CPU time is spent inside Go's etcd server (using OpenResty XRay)

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How CPU time is spent inside llama.cpp + LLaMA2 (using OpenResty XRay)

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Find Blocking Go Code Paths Holding back CPU Usage (Using OpenResty XRay)

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Pinpointing the hottest Go code paths with high CPU usage (using OpenResty XRay)

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Pinpointing the blocking Python code paths (using OpenResty XRay)

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Two bugs in Linux kernels' tracing subsystem (found by OpenResty XRay)

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Pinpointing hottest Perl code paths (using OpenResty XRay)

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Pinpointing hottest Lua code paths in online OpenResty/Nginx servers (using OpenResty XRay)

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How we solved a CPU bottleneck caused by Lua exceptions in a custom Kong plugin (using OpenResty XRay)

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Memory and CPU usage statistics among Kong plugins online (using OpenResty XRay)

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Troubleshooting the extra 200-ms request latency online

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Pinpointing leaked Lua tables with OpenResty XRay's command-line tools

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Real-Time Request Counting against Nginx Processes via YSQL

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How to deploy the on-premises version of OpenResty XRay on Microsoft's Azure cloud

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Use Case

Resolve performance bottlenecks

OpenResty XRay shows how hardware resources, such as CPU time, wait time, I/O time, disk throughput, memory, and network bandwidth, are distributed across all code, data reference pathways and software layers in applications.

Use Case

Locate problems that are difficult to reproduce in production

OpenResty XRay can catch issues that are hard to reproduce even in the production environment, using an extremely low resource consuming and noninvasive approach along with sampling triggered by exception indicators.

Use Case

Collect online application performance metrics

Users can view collected metrics data in OpenResty XRay or export it to other data analytics platforms for visualization.

xray mobile screenshot
xray mobile screenshot
Mobile Apps

Download OpenResty XRay mobile apps

Watch your applications from any where, any time with the OpenResty XRay App for iOS and Android.


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OpenResty XRay is easy to install, noninvasive to the application, intuitive to use. It provides insights for optimization, which has become a powerful weapon for us.
Jinyong Hu | CTO | Yundun
OpenResty XRay makes analyzing and pinpointing performance issues in applications effortless. With this product, we fixed a lot of issues like regex matching, Lua table resizing, and the online system’s efficiency has improved dramatically.
Leo | Software Engineer | XiaoBu
Our Pricing

Smart Vital Scanner for Cloud Applications

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